Çağrı Merkezi 222 236 84 74
Our firm that has adapted the philosoph of quality and respect for people and envirenment as a principle is aware of its responsibilities and in this respect, we try to carry out an Environmental Management System that is in aacordance with ISO 14001 Standards in our firm
Use electricity, water and natural gas effectively Minimize the environmental effects of solid, liquid and gas waste caused by our firm and recycle it Make the row material, half-finished products and packaging material we use as recyclable as possible Use technoloies that do not harm environment and make our new investments as environmentally friendly as possible Minimize the scrap material that accumulates through the customers returns and put them in good use Realize our targets concerning the environment Comply with legal regulations related to the environment and improve our standards in the direction of workers suggestions Consider our workers healthand labour safety and raise their awareness oflabour safety